Saturday, August 29, 2009

I've decided to start a blog...

  • because I have things that happen during my day that I would like to share with other people
  • because I have thoughts in general I sometimes want to share
  • because I have become a bit obsessive about couponing

The next step after deciding that I wanted to start a blog was coming up with the name for my blog. I had a few ideas and searched to see if they were available but decided on "Ann's Crazy World" because I really do feel like I live in a crazy world.

My wonderful and sweet husband, Steve, and I have been married for 8 years. We have been blessed with 2 healthy and beautiful girls. Natalie is 3&1/2 and Megan is almost 15 months old. I work one day a week as a pharmacist for Ukrop's. We are very involved with our church and are leaders with the college ministry. It seems as if every week is crazy and we always have somewhere to go or something going on. So, sit back, relax and prepare for a glimpse into "Ann's Crazy World".


  1. Great intro! I too, struggled with a name for my blog! :) I'm actually building a new one right now - I'll probably be moving over in the next month! :)
