Monday, November 2, 2009

The things kids say...

Today Natalie & Megan were playing with a Noah's Ark Little Tykes toy. They were really having fun and it was cute listening to Natalie try to tell Megan the story of Noah's Ark. They came into the room where I was and she asked me if they could get baths. (It was ~11AM and they were already dressed.) I told her that they would get baths tonight before bed. She was ok with that. I asked her why she wanted to take a bath. She said she wanted to take her Noah's Ark in the tub with her. I told her that I didn't know if that was a toy that she could put in the tub. She looked at me and said, "Mom, it is a boat. It is meant to go in the water."


  1. Haha, I can just hear her saying that, too!! "Mo-om! It's a BOAT!"

  2. Yeah, Luke and Liam play with their Veggie Tales Pirate Ship in the tub all the time. It is not really a tub toy either but it is plastic so it doesn't hurt it. You have to love how kids think. -Sarah

  3. LOL -- isn't it amazing how pure their outlook is? I always feel dumbstruck when they tell me things like that... umm no - not all boats go in water... umm yeah... :)
