Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ukrop's Double Coupon Wednesday Shopping Trip

I was really excited to get (what I felt like were) some really good deals.  I think I was most excited about the 5-lb bag of flour for 0.50 that came with coupons on the front for 0.75 off of 2 Domino Sugar Products which allowed me to get two 2-lb boxes of sugar and a 5-lb bag of flour for $3.50. 

I know you are thinking, "Didn't she just recently buy a 50-lb bag of bread flour?  Why does she need MORE flour?"  Well, yes I did buy a 50-lb bag of bread flour about a month ago.  I am actually probably about 1/3-1/2 of the way through it.  (I keep meaning to remember to bring the bathroom scale downstairs so I can weigh the bag.)  I used the bread flour to make 30 small loaves of Amish Friendship Bread for a friend's wedding reception.  I have also found a really yummy homemade bread recipe that makes 6 loaves and uses 10 cups per batch.  I also need to clarify, the flour I bought today was not bread flour, it was all-purpose flour.  I am almost finished with the 25-lb bag that I bought back in March.  (My baking really decreases in the summer.)

So, now to get back on track, here is the picture of what I got today at Ukrop's along with my shopping assistant.  (Natalie has preschool on Wednesday mornings and it is so much easier to shop with one little one than two.)  The breakdown is a little off - I think one of my coupons rang in twice.  I couldn't get my spreadsheet to match my receipt exactly unless I added in a "mystery coupon".  I also think that I had a 0.55 one that didn't double.  It was on the product and I didn't look at it close enough to notice if it said "do not double" (DND).

Here is the breakdown:

As you can see from my spreadsheet:
Shelf Price (Before Sales, Coupons, & Tax): $162.37
Final Price (After Sales, Coupons, & before Tax): $74.20
Total Savings = $88.17 (54%)

I think I did pretty good. I got 2 packages of boneless skinless chicken breast, 2 packages of boneless pork chops, and coffee that will be nice to add to homemade goodies for Christmas presents.


  1. Wow - that is incredible!!! How much time do you spend a week on this?? I always knew there was buying power in clipping coupons... but you make it look like a super power! :) those dollar figures are incredible!

  2. It takes a little bit of time and effort to get started and organized. I get a lot of help from the website Ukrop's is a Richmond, VA based family owned grocery store so it is hard to find people matching up the sales & coupons. I just take what I have learned from people with other stores and try to do my best.

    I know that you are overseas. I read somewhere that military bases will accept expired coupons. If you are interested in getting started send me a private message & I can stuff an envelope and send you some of my expired ones. I just purged my expired coupons a few days ago.
