Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ukrop's Coupon Match-ups for Double Coupon Wednesday 12/30/09

I apologize again this week for being so down to the wire in posting this.  I have once again compiled a shorter list.  I have listed all of the front page items in addition to the posted sale items that have a coupon available.  There are still some great deals in this week's ad, they just didn't have a coupon to match-up with them.  Here is a link to the ad.

We have been enjoying a week together at home since Steve has taken a well deserved week off from work.  I somehow survived transitioning from Christmas on Friday to a Princess Birthday Bash on Saturday.  I am now the mom of a 4-year-old!  My "project" for this week is preparing to take ~20 college students from our church to the beach for a weekend retreat.  Yes, I said beach.  We are not going to a tropical paradise, we are going to Sandbridge, near Virginia Beach.  Because of my coupon and saving skills I volunteered and was assigned the job of planning and purchasing the food for the retreat.  I have actually been purchasing and prepping some food for the last several weeks, but this week I have been working on strategically purchasing the perishable items.  If I find any free time I may post my menu and my spending for the retreat.  (I tend to be even more frugal with the church's money.)

Here are some guidelines to Ukrop's coupon policy:

  • Ukrop's only doubles coupons on Wednesday and up to a face value of 0.99.
  • Ukrop's will not double more than 5 like coupons per transaction.
  • Ukrop's does accept internet printable coupons up to a face value of $2.  They do not accept internet printable coupons for a free item.  (This includes buy one get one free.)

 I have made the sale items with coupons that will double on Wednesday in red.  All other deals are good for the rest of the week.  (Don't forget Ukrop's is closed on Friday, January 1st.)

I hope you find some great deals.  Have a Safe & Happy New Year!


  1. hey - if you still have your $.50 Daisy sour cream coupons, that would be free tomorrow! thanks fo rthe posting.... I'm going to go do my shopping list!


  2. Actually that coupon is not a match. The Daisy sour cream on sale is the 8oz container. The coupon is for a 16oz or larger container.
