Monday, January 18, 2010

Family Meal Challenge

We have gotten into a bad habit during last month of eating out more than we really need to.  It has been a culmination of the holidays, traveling, running errands during meal times, and being sick didn't help the cause.  We were eating lunch together Saturday and I offered up a challenge for us to take as a family.  To try to eat at home this week.  I pulled down a piece of paper to start menu planning and talking out things with Steve and the girls and although we are going to try it this week, this is not the best week for us to start.  I started off the discussion of when to start our challenge.  I was ready to get going on this, and suggested we start Sunday.  Steve said no let's start Monday, then when he realized he had the day off said let's start Tuesday.  My biggest challenge is usually Wednesday nights.  We have to be at church at 7PM.  It is really easy for me to pack-up the girls in the car and meet somewhere near church for dinner.  It saves Steve time because he works close to our church.  It gives us time to eat together, not gulp down our food, and talk about our day before heading off to church.  As part of my challenge I have planned leftovers for Wednesday night.  This means that Steve will have to come home, and I need to have dinner ready when he gets home (~6 PM) so that we can eat and pack everyone up ready to go by 6:40.  We will see how it works out.

Here is my plan for this week:

Tuesday - meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, steamed veggies
Wednesday - meatloaf leftovers (meatloaf sandwiches?)
Thursday - Poppy Seed Chicken, rice, steamed veggies
Friday - leftover Poppy Seed Chicken (I have to work 2-9 so I will take some with me, and hopefully Steve and the girls will heat-up the leftovers as well).
Saturday - going out with family for my dad's birthday

I know you are thinking the same thing I am.  Wow - she is going to cook two meals this week.  I just say this, you have to start somewhere.  :)


  1. This is a good challenge. I know I don't have kiddos in the equation for us, but distance and evening activities often make dinner on the run an option all too often. One thing I do is cook ahead on Saturdays so I have a meal waiting that's ready to go any day that coming week for when I "run out of time or motivation." I will even run the crockpot overnight.
    For Wednesdays you could also pack a picnic and meet Steve somewhere. Keep it simple and I bet the girls would love it. Rennie and I have would have a picnic dinner in the car (you could go anywhere though like a park) and then gone for a walk as family before church on Wednesday night. The fan is a great place to walk and there are lots of nearby options to the church. We've also walked laps in Target or Walmart when it's cold, but we try to change up the stores we go to so that the security doesn't think we're up to something funny if you know what I mean. Good luck.

  2. Thanks Judi! I like the picnic and walk idea. We do sometimes meet at the annex before church and I'll bring over something, but sadly usually it is take-out. :)
