Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Megan is doing better :)

Thanks for the concern for Megan and understanding about my match-ups being later than normal this week.  She really had us worried last night.  When we got to the exam room at KidMed (a pediatric Urgent Care Center) they took her temperature rectally and it was 103.6.  They quickly brought us a dose of Tylenol and by the time we were leaving (about 2 hours later) her fever was down to 102.  The doctor ran several tests but all of them came back negative for a bacterial infection, so we are treating it like it is a virus and monitoring her fever.  She still has a slight fever today even with the medicine on board, but thankfully not as high as yesterday. 

I can’t say enough about how nice they were to us at KidMed.  This, thankfully, was our first trip there.  They brought Megan juice boxes and popsicles to calm her down between the tests (and to get some more fluids in her).  They also had flat screen TVs in the waiting room and in the exam room turned to Nick Jr to help entertain and pass the time.  I hope that we don’t become regulars at KidMed, but it is great to know there are options beside the ER and Patient First when the pediatrician’s office is closed.


  1. Glad to hear that Megan is doing better. I've heard great things about KidMed. Thankfully we haven't had to go there yet (knock on wood). We probably would have been there last Thursday night if I hadn't taken my bugs temp before her nap & it was 102.1. She was acting normal even after the drs appt where she was diagnosed with Strep - until about 7:30 that evening - when the sickness set in, I guess. So if I had just waited it out - that's where we would have been too.
    Hope she gets well soon :-)

  2. Glad to hear your little one is doing better. It is amazing how they can still have energy even when they are "sick". :)

  3. Good to know!! I hope we don't have to use it anytime soon. I wasn't aware there was anything for kids, but then again, I'm sure I'm going to be learning new stuff every day for a long time :P

  4. I didn't know there was a Kid Med urgent care center! Where is it? Or, is there more than one?

  5. The one we went to was right next to Short Pump Middle School on Pouncy Tract. Their website is they say they have plans to open an office on the Southside.
