Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am working on this week's Ukrop's match-ups...

I knew this week was going to start off crazy, because last week ended crazy.  I was at a women's conference at my church Friday night and Saturday until ~3PM.  Then I had to go shopping for a retirement reception at our church Sunday night.  This couple was retiring after 40 years as missionaires in Europe.  I had planned for about 250 people to attend and was given a very limited budget so I was constantly crunching numbers to make it all work.  The reception went well, but after being on my feet and running around for most of the day (and add in 18 weeks pregnant) I was beyond exhausted on Monday.  Thank goodness my girls were good and we were able to have a low-key stay at home day to wind-down yesterday.  I am hoping for another day of good kids and I should have the match-ups completed by naptime.  Thanks for being patient with me.

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