Thursday, February 21, 2013

Frugal Living Tip #46 - Produce Box Delivery

Produce Box Delivery

A produce box from July

I have mentioned several times over the last few years about my bi-weekly produce box delivery from Dominion Harvest. I love it!

I first met one of the owners about 2 years ago at the expo for the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k. He explained to me that his business is a little bit different than a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) co-op. The biggest differences are that you don't have to buy a certain number of shares, and they deliver it to your house as opposed to you having to be at a certain location during a certain time frame.

I have had a wonderful experience with them over the past two years. This winter is actually the first time that I have experienced a price increase -not surprising the way gas prices have risen.

I personally get the cardinal box every other week. I have a small container garden over the summer so I supplement with that or a trip to the store. That is what works out for our family. The great thing about Dominion Harvest is that you can pick what works for your family and choose add-ons if you want to try something new.

I feel like purchasing the produce box is a savings. I save money because It comes from a local farm - less travel means lower shipping cost. It gets delivered to my door - I save on gas and avoid picking up other items while I am shopping. The best part is that I am also helping to support local farms.

Do you get a similiar produce delivery? I know there are similar businesses so please share their name and info if you use them.

***Please note this is truly my opinion of a service that I subscribed to for my family. I pay for a bi-weekly delivery and have not been compensated by Dominion Harvest for this or any previous posts on Ann’s Crazy World.***



  1. I stumbled across your blog when looking up Dominion Harvest. We just signed up with them this weekend. Looking forward to getting our first box! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I hope you like it Vera! I enoy the eggs and cheese in the winter box so much that I changed my summer box to get them in the summer also.
