Thursday, September 2, 2010

MARTIN'S coupons and more!

I have to admit I am not on the computer as often as I was before Michael was born.  I haven't mastered balancing the laptop while I hold a baby in the arm chair yet.  :)  I did however want to share a few MARTIN'S deals that I found this week. 

First- I just received in my e-mail two new MARTIN'S coupons.  The first is for $2 off any $5 Bakery purchase.  The other is for $1 off any Dole Bagged Salad with a $15 purchase.  (I was in MARTIN'S Tuesday and found a Dole Caesar Salad Kit on sale for $2.50 with a $1 off your purchase sticker attached to it because it had a sell by date of Wednesday  So, I bought it for $1.50.  If you can find one of these and combine it with this coupon that would be a bag of salad for only $0.50!)

The coupons are valid until 9/18/10.  I was able to print several copies of the coupons they sent me in August and use them is different transactions.

Second - I have read several other blogs such as Money Saving Mom and Southern Savers mention this coupon for $5 off when you buy 5 participating Kraft cheese or dairy products.  This could really make the Kraft deal that MARTIN'S is running this week that I mentioned in my last post a really good deal.

Third - While I was shopping Tuesday I happened to take with me the $0.50/1 Mahatma, Water Maid, or Carolina rice coupon that was in the 8/29 Red Plum.  I looked in MARTIN'S and found the small one pound bags of Carolina rice regularly priced at $1.19.  That makes for a really inexpensive pantry staple.  Don't forget that MARTIN'S will only double one like coupon per transaction.

I am going to try to finish up the weekly match-ups, but I am not making great progress.  If you found any awesome deals feel free to share!

Happy Shopping!


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