Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I looks like it is going be another crazy week

It is Tuesday and I am already caught up in the busyness of this week.

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that I knew was going to be a long appointment. I love it that they ask you to arrive 30 minutes early to register and fill out paper work then when it really is your appointment time you are still waiting, and waiting in the waiting room. I had to have a MRI (a follow-up of a problem from several years ago that I am suppose to have monitored once a year) and that requires me to take Valium. Otherwise I can't handle being in the tube for over an hour. Because I don't normally take sedatives I asked for a lower dose and I still felt rather out of it and in a fog afterwards. Steve had to take off the morning and go with me because I couldn't drive with the Valium on board. I ended up coming home and took a nap that afternoon when the girls (and my sitter) laid down for naps. I just felt "out of it"all day yesterday, so I got very little accomplished. I couldn't even figure out dinner so we had a gourmet meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup.

Because I lost my day yesterday I feel like I have even more to get accomplished today and in the next few days. I am having company over for dinner tonight so we can discuss and hopefully nail down some future plans for the college group at church. Tomorrow night is church and Thursday night I am in charge of the food and set-up for a meeting at church with WMF (Women's Missionary Fellowship). I will spend Wednesday shopping for the stuff I need for Thursday and Thursday prepping and preparing the food for Thursday night. I don't have to work this Friday so we may go to Busch Gardens. I still need to check out the weather to see if that is possible. I have to work Saturday - from 9-7. We will probably grab dinner and some last minute sale items after I get off work before getting ready for Sunday morning and crawling into bed. Then it will be Sunday again - the day of rest that really isn't when you are active with your church. :) I am looking forward to Monday, Labor Day, Steve has the day off and maybe we can have a family day.

I guess with all of the cleaning and cooking and everyday mom duties calling me I should wrap this up and get started. I will get more accomplished if I get moving and stop surfing the internet.

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